9 PSD To WordPress Conversion Myths You Should Know

by digitalbhupendra in How To on July 18, 2019

With the advent of new web technologies, the influence of web app technologies in 2017, especially front-end technologies, has increased with a great pace. PSD to WordPress conversion is an affordable conversion process which gives the boost to your online business growth.

But still, there are some myths about PSD to WordPress conversion that might be annoying for web developers. In fact, Every digital agency should be well-informed with such facts and myths related to their projects.

PSD to WordPress conversion myths is mainly categorized as:

A. WordPress development myths

B. WordPress security/insecurity myths

C. WordPress page builders myths

However, I have listed all myths and their truths in details here.

Check out this quickly:-

1) Restricted to Low Traffic

Myth:: WordPress websites are not able to achieve high traffic. These websites go offline in case of high traffic.

Truth:: Websites actually go offline because of hosting and other technical issues. In fact, you can host your website on a secured and trusted the server to solve such issues.

2) No support

Myth:: WordPress provides no support for free templates/themes.

Truth:: WordPress makes development easier. There are a number of forums you can approach whenever you get stuck with it. They give you full support at no cost.

3) Not meant for E-Commerce websites

Myth:: Businesses can’t have a full featured e-commerce website through this. It is not beneficial for them. It’s just a blogging platform only.

Truth:: WordPress is a full fledged CMS equipped with plenty of e-commerce plugins that makes it more ideal for businesses. Various e-commerce giants such as eBay using WordPress and thus generating high revenues from it.

4) Helps only small businesses

Myth:: WordPress is only good for small businesses.

Truth:: The above fact is completely wrong. Many prominent brands like Disney, Best Buy are using this nowadays and also helping them to grow their business further.

5) Not a secure platform

Myth:: WordPress is not a secure platform to work upon.

Truth:: It would not opt by leading brands if it is not secure. Besides, WordPress codes are thoroughly checked by developers for any loose strings, bugs, and loopholes. If found it is immediately reported to WordPress officials.

See, WordPress offers impeccable security and a safe environment for their users. More levels of security can be provided to this by adding security plugins to it. Wordfence security, Sucuri Security, BulletProof Security are some of the famous security plugins for WordPress.

6) No reliable plugins

Myth:: Reliability is directly concerned with security aspects. It is a famous rumor nowadays that WordPress Plugins are not secure enough to use.

Truth:: This rumor is completely false. Plugins provide features to a website.However, choosing a plugin is done by admin only. He must look for its ratings and reviews before adding to the website.

Updating plugins regularly is another major aspect. Besides all WordPress plugins are secure and written in compliance with coding standards.

7) Prone to Hacking

Myth:: WordPress can be easily hacked content management system.

Truth:: The above fact is not true. Anyhow, if we regularly backup WordPress site, it will decrease the chances of being hacked. WordPress is user-friendly CMS and comes with many security plugins, so we should not avoid this for such rumors.

WordPress drag and drop page builders are complex plugins for creating custom websites. In fact, advanced users utilize these tools for their complex tasks to be get done easily. So, if you are creating your business website using builders then you should be aware of all myths related to this.

8) Slow loading speed

Myth:: Page builder slows down WordPress website.

Truth:: It is completely wrong to say above. In fact, Page builders are fast and capable of loading complex designs in less time. Loading time completely depends on how content is structured in the page builder.

Page level caching and Builders using shortcode are another major factors that affect page loading time.

However, if a WordPress plugin(page builders) is properly coded then this may not affect your site speed at all.

9) Bad for SEO

Myth:: It is said that page builders are not good for SEO as the markup they leave is not optimized.

Truth:: Since SEO is all about quality content. Page builders even act as a medium in producing attractive content for the website. It also provides plenty of semantic markups to choose HTML tags for your headings and keywords too.

Wrapping note:

Every business should admit this fact that WordPress is the most flexible platform in terms of maintaining a website. Business giants such as Forbes, TechCrunch and much more are using WordPress to bring more traffic in this competitive environment.

Moreover, the above-mentioned points have unveiled top 9 myths about PSD to WordPress conversion. Now you are able to take a note of its truth side too. This will help you to become clear with all aspects of WordPress and its importance in the present scenario.